
Eating to combat stress

Although I tend to enjoy a wide range of foods, every so often I do like to try different ways of eating and my current interest is Paleo. Basically this means eating like a caveman in the Paleolithic era, so entails a diet which includes meat, fish, berries, nuts, fruit and vegetables. Grains are not included, as these were only introduced relatively recently, and neither is sugar or processed foods. Dairy can be included, if tolerated, but lots of ‘Paleos’ prefer to keep away from dairy too.

My attraction to this way of eating comes from a desire to eat very little processed food, and it has been a real voyage of discovery finding out how, far from being boring, you can start to discover and experiment with all types of foods and ingredients. As readers of the blog will know I adore baking its almost like a meditation for me (so pleased and excited that the Bake Off is back! Yay!) so have been finding ways I can make cakes, biscuits and sweet treats without the normal flour, sugar and butter. It is a challenge sometimes, but after a lot of experimentation I have found good substitutes, resulting in some delicious bakes which go down really well with the family. Although I have to say the chocolate beetroot cake was not a hit, it was just too, well, beetrooty ….

It’s really interesting to explore different ways of eating, but I would always urge you to never go on fad diets. What’s great about Paleo is that you are eating so healthily, all the foods are unprocessed and you do feel better for it.

What I love is the feeling that whatever stress I encounter, I am treating my body well and not putting extra stress into it in the form of junk, horribly processed, foods.

And, talking of stress, I must recommend a lovely lady called Tracey Hardy who runs Suffolk holistic massage, and who I go to see every once in a while for massages. I went the other morning and came away feeling incredibly calm and chilled out, ready for a quiet afternoon, when I then had a call from my mum to say that my dad needed to be taken urgently to Bury hospital as a wound from an operation had started to bleed profusely. Ah well, it was nice while it lasted …..

I do hope you are all enjoying this wonderful weather,

Best wishes,
Wendy x