
Naughty at ninety

I love the story about the wonderful D-Day veteran Mr Bernard Jordan who, having been told he couldn’t go on the British Legion trip to the 70th anniversary of D-Day, decided to make his own way there, and ‘broke out’ from his old people’s home in Hove.  It shows such devilment and determination, and apparently Mr Jordan had a wonderful time with old comrades, before having to come back to face the music.

So often, when people reach a certain age, they lose their confidence, and end up having a life that is very restrictive and confining. Unfortunately, this becomes a vicious cycle, as the less they do, the less they feel able to do.

I regularly meet with people who find that, on reaching retirement, they lose their confidence in their own abilities, and find any little thing becomes anxiety-provoking. Even people who have had high-powered careers somehow find that, once they retire, they lose their sense of self and end up fearful and anxious about the most basic things.

Once again, it is all about balance. Of course, when we get older, we look forward to having an easier and less stressful life. That’s important, but equally is the sense that we still have some structure and meaning to our lives, whether this means working part-time, finding absorbing hobbies or doing voluntary work. Above all, it is essential that we still have some contact with the outside world, otherwise we can find ourselves retreating into a lonely, tedious world.

Mr Jordan clearly has got the balance right, even though it must have been a little worrying for his care home. He is determined to still ‘get a part of the action’ for want of a better phrase, I do hope he will not get into too much trouble, and that they have booked him onto next year’s trip.

Hope I’m still naughty at ninety.

Wendy x