As a mum of a worn-out teenager currently revising for exams, as well as getting course work completed, my heart really goes out to those in a similar situation. Whether you are the student or the parent, this time of year can be so difficult. Whatever we say to our youngsters to help calm them down and ease things for them, it is still a really challenging time. Add to that the miseries of hay fever, the uncertainty of future plans, the worry about leaving home and it can all seem overwhelming.
I have found with my own son that hypnotherapy can be incredibly beneficial, so if you – or your child -feels that a relaxing hypnosis session to calm those exam nerves would be a good idea, then do get in touch. I can also create for them their very own hypnosis recording which can be downloaded onto their phone for a boost at any time, but especially useful before an exam.
Do contact me on 01449 780353 or 07817158429.
Warmest wishes,
Wendy x