
The link between stress and weight

If you find it hard to lose weight, particularly around your middle, then it may be that you are under too much stress. When we are stressed the body produces a hormone, cortisol, which allows us to be alert to danger – this was fine when we were faced with sabre-toothed tigers and needed to get very quickly into fight or flight mode – but in modern life we don’t have that sort of danger any more, so the stress hormone is left in our bodies.
The stress hormone cortisol layers fat around your middle of your body, almost like a protective cushion. The body stores fat here because it’s near the liver and the major arteries, and close at hand if you need that extra energy supply quickly. Obviously it may have come in handy to primitive man, but, now that we can get our food at the supermarket whenever we like, this is not needed, and in fact extremely unhealthy. 
Putting on weight around the middle is very unhealthy and linked closely with diabetes, heart disease, as well as some cancers.
For this reason it’s a really good idea to link any weight loss plan with activities which you can do to reduce stress. Hypnotherapy can be a doubly powerful tool because it is known to help with weight loss, as well as being deeply relaxing, and helping to dissolve away the stress hormone.
Do call me on 01449780352 or 07817158429 if you are concerned about your weight, and would like a safe, comfortable and relaxing way to get rid of that tummy once and for all.
Best wishes,
Wendy x