I don’t tend to get out much, so last weekend was a real treat for me. It hadn’t originally been planned to be fun-packed from Friday to Sunday, but that’s how it worked out.
I had originally booked for a group of us to go and see Strictly at the O2 on Sunday night, and then it just happened that my brother and his wife invited us for an evening at his Mayfair club on the Friday, staying the night there too. So, as it would have been silly to come back to Suffolk and then return to London on Sunday, we decided to stay for the weekend.
So, after an evening of the most delicious food, Mr Chalk and I enjoyed a wonderful night’s sleep at the very comfortable Lansdowne Club (where, I am informed, Mr Harry Selfridge spent some years as a regular guest) and then spent the following day walking across London, taking in the sights and enjoying perusing various markets. In the evening I booked for us to see ‘the 39 steps’ which was most entertaining, and then the following day I met up with my Strictly buddies for a bit of a shopping spree before the show.
So you see, this was not an average weekend and I was determined to enjoy every bit of it, from soaking up those wonderful views of London to enjoying the comfort and hospitality of a London club and then rounded off by the excitement of seeing Louis Smith performing his winning Strictly dance. A-ma-zing darling ….
It is at times like this that I am very mindful of ‘being in the moment’ and relishing all the sights, sounds and smells around me, because otherwise the weekend could just pass by in a blur. There is a difference between merely experiencing something, and being fully aware of the experience. It is true that this does take practice, but being able to live in the moment makes life so much more rich and exciting.
If you would like to find out more about learning to be in the moment, please do get in touch. You can phone me on 0781 7158429 or email me on wendy@wendychalk.co.uk.
Wendy x