I would guess that about 40% of my clients come to me wanting to lose weight. And out of those, I often then find that in actual fact, weight is not the main issue which concerns them.
When we start to scratch the surface we usually discover other issues which are often at the root cause of an unhealthy relationship with food and this could be a difficult relationship, lack of confidence, boredom, dissatisfaction at work and sometimes even a physical illness. Therefore it is very important that I find out as much as I can about the client before starting their treatment, this ensures that we are tackling the root, as opposed to just the symptom. Once the client can start to gain a different perspective on ‘what lies beneath’ and starts to believe that change is possible, then the weight often seems to drop off as a matter of course.
Many of the people I see seem to be less bothered about their weight, but more concerned about their eating habits. Through years of dieting, there appears to be this obsession with food – we can no longer just wake up and say ‘what do I really fancy eating today’, but everything has to be analysed, weighed, portion-sized to the extreme. This need for control at all times very often then leads to the other extreme – a total binge on all the wrong sorts of foods/drinks, and then feeling totally disgusting afterwards.
Through hypnotherapy, we can actually address our root needs and then what often happens is that our minds and bodies find balance once again, everything ‘feels’ right and we no longer need to resort to extremes of behaviour, like overeating. A client said to me the other day that she finally felt ‘free’ after years of fad diets and eating plans. Therefore she was allowing herself to eat whatever she wanted, but oddly she no longer felt the need to.
Do get in touch if you would love to have that same sense of freedom around food – wendy@wendychalk.co.uk or phone me on 01449 780352 / 07817158429.
Wendy x