
Birthday girl

Its my birthday today, and whilst I am still hanging onto the last little bit of my forties, I find that I start to reflect on the last decade, and what has happened in my life, as well as what I am hoping for over the next few years.

For several years now, we have not tended to print photos out, so like many people, they are all ‘trapped’ on discs and PCs.    So yesterday, we decided to have a good trawl through of all our photos from the last few years, and it was amazing to see all the places that we have been to, and the family and friends, and how they have altered over the years.  I was surprised to find out that there were many events and trips that I had completely forgotten about.

Sometimes we tend to go through life in a sort of fog, not really taking note of what is happening around us, so that those really special times are just rolled into the hubbub of the rest of our lives, and not lived to the full.

I am so incredibly lucky that I have reached a stage in my life where I feel settled in both family and career, and although I have the usual worries of people in mid-life (teenage children, university fees, elderly parents with health problems) I am grateful to have good health myself, be surrounded by a wonderful friends and family, and to live in a really nice part of the country.  

Above all, what I find particularly satisfying is to be able to have a job where I am able to change peoples lives (that sounds a bit boastful, doesn’t it?).   Very often my clients come to me in the depths of despair, as they feel completely helpless to get themselves out of their situation.    Through hypnotherapy and NLP, we can start to find a pathway out of this negativity, which leads them to a solution.   As this is a solution which THEIR subconscious mind has found, this tends to be much more healthy and sustainable in the longer term.  There are not many jobs where your clients ask if they can give you a hug, because they feel so much better.

So, on this my birthday, I am going to make a little wish to be able to carry on helping lots more people with hypnotherapy, in addition to making the most of all the special moments in my life which all too often pass by without me taking notice of them.
