
A nice calm gut

I have always found the link between the stomach and the brain fascinating, the magical vagus nerve which joins these two parts of the body an incredibly powerful connector. Buddhist philosophy is known to use the term ‘the second brain’ for the gut and indeed this can often be the case as we are sometimes ‘guided by our gut’ when we need to make hard decisions.

We also know a lot more now about the gut’s micro biome, this refers to the delicate balance of gut bacteria which is an essential factor in our general health and well-being. In order to achieve a healthy micro biome it is important to eat a huge variety of different fruits and vegetables, also to consider taking a probiotic and to consume as many fermented foods as possible.

These are all useful, practical ways in which we can improve the health of our gut.

However, what many people are not so aware of is how hypnotherapy can be an incredibly powerful gut healer. Gut directed hypnotherapy is actually recommended by NICE (the National Institute for Clinical Excellence) for people suffering with IBS. It is very disappointing that GPs are hesitant about giving this advice to their patients, often preferring to prescribe medication instead.

I have had the opportunity to help many people with IBS symptoms and they have found that, not only do they feel better in terms of their gut health but also that they are feeling so much calmer and happier too. When your digestive system is settled and calm, the message goes right up to your brain via the vagus nerve allowing for a relaxed, serene mind.

I think you could call that a ‘win win’.

Do get in touch if you feel that I could be of help to you.

Keep warm folks,

Wendy xx