
Hypnotherapy and the mainstream

The power of hypnotherapy never ceases to amaze me, and it is my sincere wish that one day it will be available as a treatment on the NHS.

Whilst the mainstream seem to be quietly acknowledging that hypnotherapy can be a valuable treatment for some conditions, witnessed by the fact that I seem to be receiving more and more ‘referrals’ from local GPs – there still seems to be a certain distrust of this type of therapy, and a feeling that it is practiced by weirdos and charlatans. Of course, I do realise that the NHS like to see clinical evidence of something working before they are happy to recommend it, and this is only right and proper. Sadly, there is a lack of research into the efficacy if hypnotherapy treatment, although this is beginning to change, and more resources are being put into clinical trials to assess the value of hypnotherapy to treat certain complaints.

The drug companies have a big advantage in this area, as they can afford to conduct research into the effectiveness of their own drug treatments, and they can win the medical profession over by producing statistical ‘evidence’ of the fact that the drugs that they are producing are effective.

Hypnotherapy is not an exact science and it is extremely difficult and expensive to carry out clinical trials which test its effectiveness.

However, with more people finding out for themselves how powerful the treatment can be, I believe that it is only a matter of time before it can receive the same acceptance as osteopathy or acupuncture, for example.

By the way, my sincere apologies for not posting sooner, but May has been an extraordinarily busy month. Things are now settling down to a calmer pace, thankfully, and I welcome any enquiries and comments.

Best wishes,
Wendy x

Mental MOT

Whilst our cars need to have regular servicing in order to ensure road worthiness, we are often notoriously bad at checking our own bodies and minds, and tend to take it for granted that we can carry on through stress, overwork and an unhealthy lifestyle.

When the wheels do eventually fall off, it comes as a shock to us and then forces us to have a look at our lives, and how we can re-gain good health once again .

Very often people talk about good health as a ‘lucky’ thing, something you presumably have no personal control of. Obviously when it comes to genetically inherited diseases this is the case of a bad  fall of the dice and it is not within your control. However, I believe that you can have a profound effect on your physical and mental health through good diet, regular exercise and finding ways to reduce the amount of stress in your life.

Physical health checks are offered routinely now as a preventative measure, but mental health checks are unfortunately much rarer.

I have a number of clients who remain healthy and well, but continue to come for regular hypnotherapy sessions – perhaps once per month – to help ensure their mental ‘wellness’. This is a really good way of avoiding a possible burnout.

Why not book a regular mental health MOT in the form of hypnotherapy treatment and feel the benefits straight away.

Contact me by email or by telephone 01449 780352 or 0781 7158429 to book an appointment now.

Best wishes,
Wendy x

Lasting weight loss

With the weather now finally turning warmer and one’s flesh having to be on show after being covered up by those winter layers for what seems like forever, many of us are turning our attention to losing a little weight and toning up.

Sometimes the temptation is to go for a quick-fix, those diets that promise 10lbs loss in 10 days seem very appealing. The downside is that, as soon as we go back to those old habits we tend to put all the weight back on (and more besides).

The real secret to lasting weight loss is changing our habits so that we are eating less and exercising more – it’s really that simple, but often so hard to put into practice.

Hypnotherapy works by sending messages to the sub-conscious mind to only eat when we are hungry and to notice that full-signal sooner, and stop eating. What also happens is that we have an increased urge to take exercise.

For those people who have over three stone to lose, the hypnotic gastric band is a powerful way to reduce appetite and shed the pounds easily and for good.

If you are considering hypnotherapy for weight loss, I would be really pleased to hear from you – you can call me on 01449 780352or 0781 7158429, or email me on

Enjoy the nice weather.

Wendy x

IVF pioneer and remarkable man

In a week which has been dominated by media coverage of the death of Margaret Thatcher, I was disappointed to see that the death of Professor Sir Robert Edwards, the pioneer of IVF treatment and somebody who brought hope and joy to many thousands of infertile couples, has warranted very little mention.

It’s interesting to note that they were both the same age at death, 87 years, and both had great personal conviction about what they believed in, despite facing much opposition. Whatever your politics, it is impossible to deny Margaret Thatcher’s achievement as first woman and longest serving Prime Minister. However, I believe that Sir Robert deserves the most accolades, as it is thanks largely to him and his collaboration with Patrick Steptoe, a gynaecologist, that infertility is now a treatable condition.

Of course, I would sing this man’ praises, as if he hadn’t conducted this work, then my wonderful and talented son, Olly, would not exist.

So between him and Margaret Thatcher, I know which one I would give the state funeral to.

Wendy x


Are you one of many people who suffer with IBS? This debilitating condition seems to affect more and more people, and it seems that mainstream medicine is limited in providing a cure for this.

The problem is that very often there seems to be no physical cause of the symptoms of IBS which can include diarrhoea, constipation, bloating, wind along with crippling abdominal pain. Once your GP has ruled out any obvious physical cause of the symptoms, very often you are advised to look at any anxieties or stresses which may be potentially causing these debilitating symptoms.

This is where hypnotherapy can help, and in fact is now recommended by NICE (National Institute for Clinical Excellence) as a treatment option for IBS. The reason for this is that hypnotherapy is an excellent way of calming and relaxing the body and mind, and in addition to this, specific suggestions can be given which help to calm the stomach and digestive tract, so that it can begin to work normally again.

If you are troubled by IBS symptoms, please give me a call on 01449780352 or 0781 7158429 or email me on

Best wishes,
Wendy x

The importance of savouring

I am currently reading an excellent book by Miriam Akhtar ‘Positive Psychology for depression’. Miriam was one of the first UK graduates of the Masters programme in Applied Positive Psychology, and she works a great deal with youngsters with mental health issues.

One of the techniques which she advocates as a way to build positive emotion and resilience is to savour those moments of sheer joy which we experience – and this can include anything from a warm hug with a friend, that first taste of a creme egg, or feeling the warmth of the sun (I know, the latter is not so frequent). The more you do this, really luxuriating in the moment, savouring it with as many senses as you can, then what actually happens is that:

– you find yourself experiencing a greater sense of wellbeing
– it shores you up against stress and depression
– you start to find yourself noticing more of those moments

So this Easter, make sure that you notice those moments whether its time with family and friends, a nice chilled glass of Sauvignon blanc or luxuriating in bed on Monday morning.

Have a wonderful Easter everyone.

Best wishes,
Wendy x

Getting to the root of the matter

I often find that people come to me as a last resort. They have tried all sorts of different treatments, therapies or medication in order to feel better, but to no avail, so they then think about trying hypnotherapy as there seems to be little else left to try. After a successful outcome, which happens in the majority of cases, the client then confides in me that they wish they had come to me first.

Why would hypnotherapy work, when nothing else has?

In my view the reason is that, by and large, none of the other treatments or therapies have dealt with the root cause of their particular issue. Hypnotherapy, by contrast, deals with the unconscious mind and therefore tackles the condition at its base level and so does not simply treat the symptoms, but the origin of the problem. When we weed a garden, if we simply cut the weeds down, they will come up again very quickly, and perhaps even stronger and thicker. It is only be pulling the weeds out by their roots, and then tending the area carefully can we ensure a rich fertile area, ready for those plants and shrubs that we actually want to have in our garden.

So, if you feel that you need treatment for a particular issue, why not try hypnotherapy first – it may save you an awful lot of time (and weeding).

Best wishes,
Wendy x

You are feeling very sleepy ……

It’s National Sleep Awareness Week this week and anyone who knows me well will know that I cannot get enough of the stuff. I actually love sleep, but, I hasten to add it is really important to get good quality sleep, not just alcohol or sleeping pill induced coma-type snoozing. So this means that you need to get the right balance of REM sleep – this is rapid eye movement sleep or dream sleep – along with the deeper kind. A good mix of both and in addition ensuring you get between about 7 and 9 hours will usually be sufficient.

To me, there is nothing better than a good night’s sleep. And in the same way, there is nothing more energy-sapping than not sleeping well. If this then continues night after night then it can lead to all sorts of health problems, both physical and mental, and it sometimes seems that the more you long more sleep, the more elusive it becomes.

The phrase ‘sleep-hygiene’ is often used nowadays, (and this doesn’t refer to making sure you are really clean before you go to bed), what this actually means is having a good look at your daily routine and perhaps tweaking it a little in order to see if this could help you get into the habit of experiencing good quality, restful sleep, most nights. Some of these things are obvious, so excuse this but they should still be mentioned:

– caffeine – check that you drink no more than 3/4 cups of coffee or tea per day, and ideally none after midday

– try and get a little bit of exercise and fresh air during the day if you can, but do not exercise just before bed

– alcohol may get you off to sleep quicker, but you will be more likely to have a poor quality sleep, and/or wake up during the night

– try to have a light meal in the evening, ideally before 7pm – if you eat a big meal before bed, then you will tend to not sleep very well

– do something relaxing in the evening, such as reading, sewing or listening to music. Television is ok, but try to watch something soothing or uplifting before bed if you can

– learn self-hypnosis/relaxation techniques, simple ones that you can use just before bedtime

I often find that many of my clients, as a side-effect of the hypnotherapy treatment they receive, start sleeping much better and this happens even if they have not come to me initially with sleep problems.

If you would like to find out more about how hypnotherapy could help you to sleep more soundly, then do contact me on 01449 780352 or 07817158429, or email me on

Sweet dreams,
Wendy x

How are you motivated?

This week I attended a really interesting course on motivation, and it really brought home to me the fact that we are all so very different when it comes to being motivated to do something, or to not do something, whichever the case may be.

Some people find that the possibility of negative consequences is more motivating for them than anything else, and I am reminded of the tv programme ‘Supersize versus Superskinny’ when Dr Christian takes the overweight volunteer to the States, and gets them to spend some time with a morbidly obese person who has all kinds of health problems. With some people this type of ‘shock factor’ can be so effective as a wake-up call to start losing weight. For them it is a stark reminder of what could happen if they do not change their lifestyle.

With others, the promise of positive benefits is more appealing, so getting the person to focus on how they want to look/feel in a few months from now when they walk down the aisle or when they are laying on the beach, or in whatever situation they can imagine themselves in, can really galvanise them into action.

As a hypnotherapist, I tend to concentrate more on the positive future benefits for my clients, but, having said that, I do realise that for some people thinking of the negative consequences of a habit or course of action is more effective at motivating them. Therefore, I am always minded that my treatment is adapted to suit each individual client in order to achieve success.

Whatever your motivation, you may have been thinking that hypnotherapy could be beneficial for you – I would love to have chat with you about this, so do call me on 01449 780352 or 07817158429, or you can email me on

Best wishes,
Wendy x

Glass half full

At last we are seeing some tiny signs of spring, and after a very hard winter this is really welcome! Just to be able to go outside without being rained on, snowed on or turning to ice makes a wonderful change.

Mr Chalk and I spent a lovely weekend with some good friends by the sea – it was nice to catch up with them, they are truly wonderful hosts and we had lots of fun and giggles and some excellent food, whilst enjoying some good sea air and bracing walks. And we have started the week thoroughly refreshed and relaxed.

We are so lucky to have such opportunities, and I am endlessly grateful for the rich and fulfilling life that I lead.

I have spent a lot of time recently concentrating on positive psychology techniques, and one of the things that I urge my clients to do is make a regular habit of listing your ‘gratitudes’ – this could be as simple as being thankful for a good friend or the fact that you have your sight, or really appreciating a lovely meal. Try to list ten ‘gratitudes’ each night. It might sound a bit cheesy, but what happens here is that by making a habit of this, you are setting up positive neural pathways in your brain, which in turn make you much more resourceful and resilient during stressful times. And it does not have to be anything extravagant or grand that you are grateful for, in fact I believe sometimes the simpler the better.

Try it for a little while, it takes a bit of practice, but you will find eventually that you can come up with things automatically, and your ‘default’ setting may change from being quite often negative, to much more positive. The amazing thing is you can then start to notice all sorts of wonderful things happening in your life.

If you would like to find out more about the incredible power of the sub-conscious mind, then please contact me on 01449 780352, or 07817158429, or email me

Best wishes,
Wendy x