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Start something new this year

In my last blog issued just before Christmas, I spoke about the idea of self-limitation – voluntarily choosing to limit one’s own choices and excesses, with this having the effect that life becomes simpler, calmer and more balanced.  You may be wondering what I was going on about, after all its Christmas, and everyone goes overboard at Christmas, don’t they?

Well, now I am going to go against the grain again, as for New Year I am going to be urging you to ‘start something new’ as opposed to the usual idea of giving something up.    This could be as simple as teaching yourself how to make bread or, more ambitiously starting up a new business.   Anything that you feel that you have always wanted to do, give it a go!   I have been promising myself to take up singing lessons for ages, and have now decided go for it.

The New Year is a great time to get those creative juices flowing and take up a new skill or hobby.   It does not have to be expensive or time-consuming, and scientists have proven that using the creative part of the brain is a great form of stress relief, and also helps to shed light on other areas of our lives that may be giving us problems.  In addition, by achieving our goals (however small) this can contribute significantly to our confidence and self-esteem levels.

If you feel that you really want to take up a new skill, whether this be learning tarot, tile-laying or table tennis, then start now!   And if you feel you really need a little bit of ego-strengthening beforehand, I would be pleased to see you to discuss how hypnotherapy and NLP can help with confidence.  See the contacts page on my website

I’ll let you know how I get on with the singing – don’t forget to look out for me on X-factor….

Less is more

At a time of year when excess – eating, drinking, spending money – is not only allowed, but encouraged, I start to wonder what effect this has on our well-being.   During difficult economic times, it can perhaps be liberating to think, to hell with it, its Christmas, I am going to relax and enjoy myself.   And by enjoying ourselves, we usually mean forget about waistines, diets, credit card debt etc.   However, I wonder if it is possible to think about ‘different’ ways of finding enjoyment and happiness, other than the usual self-indulgent, expensive and unhealthy routes.  

Inspired by an article I read recently, I have been pondering on the ways in which, by limiting our choices and our excesses, we can actually lead much happier, and more fulfilling lives.    We are bombarded daily with both choice and abundance, and this can make us feel quite overwhelmed.

I have started using limiting techniques, which I have found are making my life so much simpler and less stressful.   By actually narrowing down my options – and this can be when it comes to choosing which shop to go to, or deciding what to eat, or which product to buy – I have found that I am able to make decisions much more quickly and easily.   In addition, by limiting myself to less – for example not forcing myself to eat huge meals simply because it is ‘that’ time of year – I feel so much better, more energised, but relaxed at the same time.   Bizarrely, I also find that I am enjoying the ‘special’ moments in my life more – my son getting a standing ovation in the school concert for his piano performance counts as one – now that I am using this self-limiting technique.

Try to employ self-limiting techniques in all aspects of your lifeover Christmas, and I will guarantee that you will feel calmer, more relaxed and at peace.  Have a good one.