I often get asked the question ‘how is hypnosis different to meditation’? Whilst there are similarities, there are differences too and it’s interesting to discover more about this. Also, it’s worth having a quick explanation on mindfulness, so I will try to do that too.
If you have ever tried meditation (and there are different schools, methods, philosophies etc.) you would probably agree that the simplest way to describe it is a calming of the mind. Whether you focus on your breathing, or a particular object, or maybe a mantra, you are just trying to quieten the mind (or the chattering monkey, that part of the mind which is often overthinking).
In hypnosis there is also a quietening of the mind, and this in itself is very beneficial. But in addition (and this is where I think the power of hypnosis lies) positive suggestions are made, based on what you – the client – has told me about your own particular situation. And because you are so relaxed, perhaps you could almost say you are in a meditative state, you take on board these suggestions, so allowing for change to begin to happen, whether that is feeling more confident, eating healthier, letting go of particular fears.
I almost think of hypnosis as a guided meditation, it is much more instructive and solution focussed. Whereas, basic meditation is quite simply allowing the mind to quieten. Although this can be a useful tool, in some cases I would say that it could be problematic too, as – particularly with somebody who is suffering from depression – there is then a tendency to dwell even more on the negative. With somebody suffering from depression I would go so far as saying that hypnosis is going to be more beneficial, as there is a gentle guiding towards a more optimistic and positive mindset.
Mindfulness – which I use in my sessions to begin to calm and relax the mind and body – is quite simply focussing on particular experiences. So it could be just concentrating on the breath, or maybe sounds, or just noticing how the body feels, or even just focussing on a particular experience.
I do hope that these explanations have helped. It’s all powerful, and in my opinion quite wonderful, stuff. If you have any questions please let me know!
Best wishes,
Wendy x