I have been really interested in the BBC’s series on mental health, showing us how it affects so many people and in different ways. It is so positive that this subject is at last being spoken about.
The most recent programme showed how Alistair Campbell – the former labour spin doctor – has suffered with the most crippling depression throughout his life. Despite taking anti-depressants for some 30 years as well as addressing his unhealthy lifestyle he still finds that he has days when the depression comes over him like a black cloud and he then finds that he cannot function for that day, at least.
I found it interesting how he spoke about the depression almost as a tangible thing, like a nasty grey piece of gunk that he could see from the corner of his eye. He has no control over it and knows by now that he has to give in to it. He feels that, for this reason, he still needs to stay on the anti-depressants, knowing that his symptoms would quite probably worsen without them.
It is interesting that, despite his psychiatrist trying to find out the root cause of the depression, he has memories of a happy and secure childhood. He felt that there could be a genetic link of mental ill health in his family as his brother was schizophrenic.
I have treated many people for depression over the years I have been working as a hypnotherapist. Each person is different and it is often more complex than the other issues that I encounter. The important thing is to really ‘climb into the other person’s shoes’ in order to gain an insight into what they are going through. Every treatment plan is unique for the individual and we explore ways that we can help the person feel really well again. This means not just an absence of the depression but a feeling of wellbeing, a renewed vibrancy and zest, so that they are able to live life to the full.
If you have experienced depression and would like to find out how hypnotherapy treatment can offer a new solution for recovery and mental wellness, please do get in touch.
I look forward to meeting you.
Best wishes,
Wendy x