I do hope you have enjoyed our recent May bank holidays. This last weekend I had the dubious pleasure of organising the cricket tea for my son’s team, which he sprang on me Thursday evening. Having to provide sandwiches and cake for 22 hungry men turned out to be a quite enjoyable exercise, as I do love baking and – only having immediate family to make cakes for – I tend to only do it occasionally, as we would all be the size of houses. So, the idea of being able to bake a whole range of cakes for others was strangely satisfying.
As I worked in my kitchen over the weekend, happy in my meditative cake baking trance, it did occur to me that there had been a time when I couldn’t have done something like this, due to my dysfunctional relationship with food. In the past, I tended to bake and cook much less than I do now, as even though I loved it I knew, surrounded by all that food, I would be tempted to gorge on it (either in its unbaked or baked state) and end up feeling sick and disgusted with myself.
Since having had hypnotherapy many years ago for weight loss, I have been able to indulge my love of cooking as I now have a balanced and healthy relationship with food. No longer in that vicious cycle of fad diets followed by massive binges, I enjoy food so much more, as I realise that I am the one who is in control and I CAN be free to eat whatever I want, at any time. Bizarrely this ultimate freedom from destructive patterns if thinking and behaviour makes for a much more disciplined mindset around food, not in a restrictive way, but just finding that it feels better to eat smaller quantities of healthy food, and allowing for occasional treats too!
So, I did really enjoy my few days baking for the cricket team, and what was really lovely was how well it was appreciated by the players. Mr Chalk was there to help me, so we had a good time, not sure that I would like to do it every weekend, however!
If you have been thinking of hypnotherapy for weight loss, as you really feel ready to try something different, do contact me on 07817158429 or 01449780352. I would be happy to tell you more about it and how it could make such a lasting difference to your life.
Best wishes,
Wendy x