
The root to happiness

Have you noticed how you often build things up to be much worse than they actually turn out to be?    I am guilty of this too, as last week I had to have dental treatment on a tooth that already had a very deep root filling in it already, so was already much more filling than tooth.  During the days leading up to the treatment, I was having all sorts of depressing thoughts, most of which involved me having to have the tooth taken out.  I am not actually frightened of the dentist, and don’t mind going at all as our dentist is lovely, however I was really fearful of losing this tooth, and of the affect that this would have on my appearance and my confidence.

When it came to the actual day of treatment, I needn’t have worried at all, as my clever dentist managed to remove the bit of tooth, and did a lovely job of filling it, so I was very relieved to come away with my smile intact, even though I was £100 poorer.   I felt so happy when I left – mind you, this might have been the anaesthetic, that I did a little skip when I came out – so, if anyone saw me in Stowmarket, they must have thought look at that bonkers woman with the lop-sided jaw, jumping into the air!  

I have spoken before about celebrating little daily victories, and this is just the sort of thing that I mean.  Those times when something turns out really well, or somebody we meet inspiring us, or even just a beautiful sky.   The more that we can tune our own personal filter into noticing these types of situations, and more importantly being thankful for them, the more they tend to happen.  Try it!

If you feel that you are finding it difficult to feel optimistic at the moment, hypnotherapy may help to lift your mood.  Contact me on 01449 780352, or 0781 7158429, or email me on