
Shot of morphine anyone?

New research seems to confirm that lowering our stress levels could affect our waistlines too. A study carried out by the journal Biological Psychiatry asked 58 women to eat a high fat meal, also monitoring recent stress levels. After the meal they measured how much enjoy they used, as well as their blood sugar, insulin, fat and cortisol (the stress hormone).

The results very clearly showed that those whose stress levels were higher used up less calories after a meal. On average, stressed people burned 104 fewer calories every day which over the course of the  year could equate to 11lbs of gained weight.

We cannot avoid stress, but by dealing with it more effectively means that our bodies will naturally function better.

Have you ever considered having hypnotherapy to deal with stress?

The other day a lovely client compared our hypnotherapy sessions to having a shot of morphine, such was the deep relaxation she felt. What is also so wonderful about hypnotherapy is that the ‘morphine’ affect lasts as she felt so calm and de-stresses when away from the therapy room too, but without the chemically-induced drowsiness, of course.

So, if you want to feel much better and lose a bit of weight too, please get in touch.

Wendy x