I was interested to read that the UK rival to Barbie, the stylish and altogether more wholesome Sindy (or Cindy as she was first called) has turned 60. I feel a special affinity with Sindy, I could even be her slightly older sister, having picked up my senior railcard last year.
I had endless fun with my very own Sindy doll. I loved all of the little outfits and it was the most wonderful Christmas present when I received a whole set of new knitted outfits (made by my mum in secret, I had no idea!) Trouser suits, dresses, matching handbags, scarves, along with a Sindy wardrobe to put them in. I was in heaven!
I am not a hoarder by any means, and prefer to have regular clear outs, but I have kept my Sindy doll and her outfits. I do think that it keeps me closer to my mum and also reminds me of her loving kindness and devotion.
In many ways Sindy was the plainer, more sensible underdog to Barbie.
Born in the USA, Barbie was larger than life, usually adorned in shocking pink, shamelessly brash and with an impossible figure. In contrast Sindy was the quieter, calmer, understated sister. You felt that she had hidden depths but she was the one you could depend on in a crisis.
Some of us are late bloomers and I think that maybe Sindy and I could be in this category. During my early years I was incredibly shy and timid, lacking in confidence and self-esteem. I didn’t really find out what I wanted to do with my life until I was in my 50s, when I embarked on an Open University degree and then studied hypnotherapy. This has led to such a wonderfully interesting career which I count as an incredible blessing. I can honestly say that I am very happy and contented with my lot, but I do also realise that I have been lucky to have such amazing family and friends around me.
It is important to realise that we can always change and evolve. Even if we have felt ourselves to be the underdog at times, comparing ourselves to others’ seemingly more obvious brightness and success, we can become something really quite special.
Happy 60th birthday Sindy,
Wendy x