
Wake up to hypnosis

I do think that more people are starting to accept hypotherapy as a valid and effective treatment for many psychological and emotional disorders, and not just the slightly strange and quirky alternative therapy practised by Mr or Mrs Weird for stopping smoking.

Even medical practitioners themselves have begun to wake up to the fact that hypnosis can be used to treat seemingly ‘physical’ disorders such as IBS. Also, in terms of pain relief, there is recognition that hypnosis can be really effective – more and more women are opting for hypno-birthing in order to have as natural and relaxing birth experience as possible. Midwives are being trained in the technique, so that they can offer this as an option.

I am really hopeful that this acceptance of hypnotherapy by the mainstream will continue, but my concern is that it will be seen as just another ‘tool’ that any medical practitioner can use, and ‘bite-size’ hypnosis will be used by inexperienced and unqualifed people, with very limited results.

When I began as a hypnotherapist, I did rely to a certain extent on ‘scripts’, these are suggestions used in hypnosis which cover a whole range of subjects from weight loss to depression. However, I soon found that it was really important to tailor the hypnosis suggestions to the client, and in this way the most effective results can be achieved. A skilled hypnotherapist will find out as much as he or she can, and really listen to the language of the client, before then ‘crafting’ the therapy treatment.

And I do really believe it is a ‘craft’, not something that can be formalised or scripted, and this is where the real magic occurs. This is the creative part of my work that I love, as by using what I am presented with, I can then ‘weave’ my therapeutic intervention, with often really amazing results. I realise that I am beginning to sound more like Mrs Weird here!

I think maybe that this is where the medical profession seem to find it difficult, as this type of therapy cannot be quantified, measured or assessed in the same way that conventional treatments can be.

But my hope is that, in the years to come, there is even more recognition that hypnotherapy (in the hands of a qualified, experience clinical practitioner) can be extremely effective and ultimately life changing, in the way it can lead people to find the solutions they long for.

Wendy x